Meester Magpie + 9

A collaboration between sound wizards Meester Magpie and 9.  These cats are notorious for doing drugs and rock n roll in outer space. When combined they equal a force that transcends death and enters the oblivion of sound.


  Forbidden Notes 01 9 by moss tapes

  Forbidden Notes 02 54 by moss tapes

Forbidden Notes for Biocomputer Metaprogrammers


                   Thank you for selecting this translation of the forbidden notes. We hope they function beneficially
                   and foster spiritual growth.

"I've been to a zone where there is no air, no light, no sound, no life, no death, nothing."

                   These notes contain instructions to retune consciousness, unlocking the wonderful potential to bypass

           At least 9 times a day, we are presented opportunities to dwell "somewhere in the other side of nowhere"
           Thoroughly processing these notes will serve as a proper guide for exploring such opportunities.

     Daily explorations into the crystal vortex of possibility bestow the gifts of the future upon us.

                   We believe! You can too!

For centuries The Forbidden Notes have been passed on in secret protection from the powers at be. Now, thanks to the advent of
the internet, we bring this revelation of the Forbidden Notes in a media suitable for mass duplication and rapid consumption.


                 Please Handle the Contents of these Notes with Caution: Volatile Potential

Creative Commons License
Forbidden Notes for Biocomputer Metaprogrammers by Meester Magpie, 9 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

  Meester Magpie + 9 Notas ProhibiDOS para Metaprogrammers Biocomputadora by Teslavision Intergalactic


Notas ProhibiDOS para Metaprogrammers Biocomputadora
Release death.
El gato no duerme.
"I could, of course, have looked at my watch; but my watch, I knew,
was in another universe. My actual experience had been, was still,
of an indefinite duration or alternatively of a perpetual present
made up of one continually changing apocalypse."

Notas ProhibiDOS para Metaprogrammers Biocomputadora is liscensed under a Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike Creative Commons Liscense:
"This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as they credit you
and license their new creations under the identical terms. Others can download and redistribute your work
just like the by-nc-nd license, but they can also translate, make remixes, and produce new stories based on
your work. All new work based on yours will carry the same license, so any derivatives will also be
non-commercial in nature." -

Live at Finger Garden June 26

  Meester Magpie + 9 Live June 26 2010 @Finger Garden by Teslavision Intergalactic

On The Road// Meester Magpie+9 from NitetrotterTV on Vimeo.

MM + 9 by Teslavision Intergalactic